Subpart A - General
Responsibility and authority of the pilot in command. |
Pilot in command of aircraft requiring more than one required pilot. |
Civil aircraft airworthiness. |
Civil aircraft flight manual, marking, and placard requirements. |
Prohibition on interference with crewmembers. |
Careless or reckless operation. |
Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. |
Portable electronic devices. |
Truth-in-leasing clause requirement in leases and conditional sales contracts. |
Aviation Safety Reporting Program: Prohibition against use of reports for enforcement purposes. |
Subpart B - Flight Rules
Flight crewmembers at stations. |
Use of safety belts, shoulder harnesses, and child restraint systems. |
Flight instruction; Simulated instrument flight and certain flight tests. |
Operating near other aircraft. |
Right-of-way rules: Except water operations. |
Right-of-way rules: Water operations. |
Minimum safe altitudes: General. |
Compliance with ATC clearances and instructions. |
Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class G airspace. |
Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class E airspace. |
Operations in Class D airspace. |
Operations in Class C airspace. |
Operations in Class B airspace. |
Restricted and prohibited areas. |
Operations in Class A airspace. |
Temporary flight restrictions in the vicinity of disaster/hazard areas. |
Temporary flight restrictions in national disaster areas in the State of Hawaii. |
Emergency air traffic rules. |
Flight restrictions in the proximity of the Presidential and other parties. |
Flight limitation in the proximity of space flight operations. |
Temporary restriction on flight operations during abnormally high barometric pressure conditions. |
Management of aircraft operations in the vicinity of aerial demonstrations and major sporting events. |
Passenger-carrying flights for the benefit of a charitable, nonprofit, or community event. |
Passenger carrying flights for compensation or hire. |
Fuel requirements for flight in VFR conditions. |
VFR flight plan: Information required. |
Basic VFR weather minimums. |
Special VFR weather minimums. |
VFR cruising altitude or flight level. |
Special awareness training required for pilots flying under visual flight rules within a 60-nautical mile radius of the Washington, DC VOR/DME. |
Fuel requirements for flight in IFR conditions. |
IFR flight plan: Information required. |
VOR equipment check for IFR operations. |
ATC clearance and flight plan required. |
Takeoff and landing under IFR. |
Minimum altitudes for IFR operations. |
IFR cruising altitude or flight level. |
Operations within airspace designated as Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum airspace. |
IFR operations: Two-way radio communications failure. |
Operation under IFR in controlled airspace: Malfunction reports. |
Category II and III operations: General operating rules. |
Category II and Category III manual. |
Certificate of authorization for certain Category II operations. |
Subpart C - Equipment, Instrument, and Certificate Requirements
Civil aircraft: Certifications required. |
Powered civil aircraft with standard category U.S. airworthiness certificates: Instrument and equipment requirements. |
Emergency locator transmitters. |
Inoperative instruments and equipment. |
ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment and use. |
Data correspondence between automatically reported pressure altitude data and the pilot's altitude reference. |
Altitude alerting system or device: Turbojet-powered civil airplanes. |
Traffic alert and collision avoidance system equipment and use. |
Terrain awareness and warning system. |
Subpart D - Special Flight Operations
Parachutes and parachuting. |
Towing: Gliders and unpowered ultralight vehicles. |
Towing: Other than under 91.309. |
Restricted category civil aircraft: Operating limitations. |
Limited category civil aircraft: Operating limitations. |
Provisionally certificated civil aircraft: Operating limitations. |
Aircraft having experimental certificates: Operating limitations. |
Carriage of candidates in elections. |
Increased maximum certificated weights for certain airplanes operated in Alaska. |
Primary category aircraft: Operating limitations. |
Aircraft having a special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category: Operating limitations. |
Operation after maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration. |
Altimeter system and altitude reporting equipment tests and inspections. |
ATC transponder tests and inspections. |
Changes to aircraft inspection programs. |
Transfer of maintenance records. |
Rebuilt engine maintenance records. |
Flying equipment and operating information. |
Familiarity with operating limitations and emergency equipment. |
Equipment requirements: Over-the-top or night VFR operations. |
Survival equipment for overwater operations. |
Communication and navigation equipment for overwater operations. |
Operating in icing conditions. |
Flight engineer requirements. |
Second in command requirements. |
Flight attendant requirements. |
Stowage of food, beverage, and passenger service equipment during aircraft movement on the surface, takeoff, and landing. |
Aural speed warning device. |
Transport category civil airplane weight limitations. |
Emergency exits for airplanes carrying passengers for hire. |
Flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders. |
Authorization for ferry flight with one engine inoperative. |
Materials for compartment interiors. |
Operations of civil aircraft of U.S. registry outside of the United States. |
Operations within airspace designated as Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Airspace. |
Operations within airspace designed as Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Airspace. |
Flights between Mexico or Canada and the United States. |
Special rules for foreign civil aircraft. |
Operation of civil aircraft of Cuban registry. |
Special flight authorizations for foreign civil aircraft. |
Applicability: Relation to part 36. |
Part 125 operators: Designation of applicable regulations. |
Final compliance: Subsonic airplanes. |
Agricultural and fire fighting airplanes: Noise operating limitations. |
Civil aircraft sonic boom. |
Civil supersonic airplanes that do not comply with part 36. |
Civil supersonic airplanes: Noise limits. |
Final compliance: Civil subsonic airplanes. |
Entry and nonaddition rule. |
Stage 2 operations outside of the 48 contiguous United States. |
Special flight authorizations for non-revenue Stage 2 operations. |
Modification to meet Stage 3 or Stage 4 noise levels. |
Transfers of Stage 2 airplanes with base level. |
Phased compliance for operators with base level. |
Phased compliance for new entrants. |
Carry-forward compliance. |
Waivers from interim compliance requirements. |
Waivers from final compliance. |
Annual reporting of Hawaiian operations. |
Subpart J--WAIVERS
List of rules subject to waivers. |
Management contract between owner and program manager. |
Prohibitions and limitations. |
Flights conducted under part 121 or part 135 of this chapter. |
Clarification of operational control. |
Operational control responsibilities and delegation. |
Operational control briefing and acknowledgment. |
Issuing or denying management specifications. |
Management specifications. |
Amending program manager's management specifications. |
Conducting tests and inspections. |
Internal safety reporting and incident/accident response. |
Program operating manual requirements. |
Program operating manual contents. |
Flight scheduling and locating requirements. |
Pilot in command or second in command: Designation required. |
Operating information required. |
Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered; Limitations; Destination and alternate airports. |
IFR takeoff, approach and landing minimums. |
Aircraft proving and validation tests. |
Additional equipment requirements. |
Drug and alcohol misuse education program. |
Pilot safety background check. |
Pilot operating limitations and pairing requirement. |
Flight, duty and rest time requirements: All crewmembers. |
Flight time limitations and rest requirements: One or two pilot crews. |
Duty periods and rest requirements: Flight attendants. |
Testing and training: Applicability and terms used. |
Initial and recurrent pilot testing requirements. |
Initial and recurrent flight attendant crewmember testing requirements. |
Flight crew: Instrument proficiency check requirements. |
Crewmember: Tests and checks, grace provisions, training to accepted standards. |
Training program: General. |
Training program: Special rules. |
Training program and revision: Initial and final approval. |
Training program: Curriculum. |
Crewmember training requirements. |
Crewmember emergency training. |
Hazardous materials recognition training. |
Approval of aircraft simulators and other training devices. |
Qualifications: Check pilots (aircraft) and check pilots (simulator). |
Qualifications: Flight instructors (aircraft) and flight instructors (simulator). |
Initial and transition training and checking: Check pilots (aircraft), check pilots (simulator). |
Initial and transition training and checking: Flight instructors (aircraft), flight instructors (simulator). |
Pilot and flight attendant crewmember training programs. |
Crewmember initial and recurrent training requirements. |
Pilots: Initial, transition, and upgrade ground training. |
Pilots: Initial, transition, upgrade, requalification, and differences flight training. |
Flight attendants: Initial and transition ground training. |
Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program. |
Maintenance recordkeeping. |
Inoperable instruments and equipment. |
Continuous airworthiness maintenance program use by fractional ownership program manager. |
CAMP: Responsibility for airworthiness. |
CAMP: Mechanical reliability reports. |
CAMP: Mechanical interruption summary report. |
CAMP: Maintenance organization. |
CAMP: Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration programs. |
CAMP: Manual requirements. |
CAMP: Required inspection personnel. |
CAMP: Continuing analysis and surveillance. |
CAMP: Maintenance and preventive maintenance training program. |
CAMP: Certificate requirements. |
CAMP: Authority to perform and approve maintenance. |
CAMP: Maintenance recording requirements. |
CAMP: Transfer of maintenance records. |
CAMP: Airworthiness release or aircraft maintenance log entry. |
Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 112--Prohibition Against Certain Flights Within the Tripoli (HLLL) Flight Information Region (FIR). |
Appendix A to Part 91 --Category II Operations: Manual, Instruments, Equipment, and Maintenance |
Appendix B to Part 91 --Authorizations To Exceed Mach 1 ( 91.817) |
Appendix C to Part 91 --Operations in the North Atlantic (NAT) Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications (MNPS) Airspace |
Appendix G to Part 91 --Operations in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Airspace |