Subpart A - General
Includes the following regulations:
Compliance schedule for operators that transition to part 121 of this chapter; certain new entrant operators. |
Rules applicable to operations subject to this part. |
Applicability of rules for eligible on-demand operations. |
Applicability of rules to unauthorized operators. |
Previously trained crewmembers. |
Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. |
Crewmember certificates: International operations. |
Subpart B - Flight Operations
Includes the following regulations:
Recordkeeping requirements. |
Retention of contracts and amendments: Commercial operators who conduct intrastate operations for compensation or hire. |
Reporting mechanical irregularities. |
Reporting potentially hazardous meteorological conditions and irregularities of ground facilities or navigation aids. |
Restriction or suspension of operations: Continuation of flight in an emergency. |
Inspectors credentials: Admission to pilots' compartment: Forward observer's seat. |
DOD Commercial Air Carrier Evaluator's Credentials: Admission to pilots compartment: Forward observer's seat. |
Responsibility for operational control. |
Instrument approach procedures and IFR landing minimums. |
Flight locating requirements. |
Informing personnel of operational information and appropriate changes. |
Operating information required. |
Carriage of persons without compliance with the passenger-carrying provisions of this part. |
Carriage of cargo including carry-on baggage. |
Pilot requirements: Use of oxygen. |
Oxygen for medical use by passengers. |
Autopilot: Minimum altitudes for use. |
Airmen: Limitations on use of services. |
Aircraft and facilities for recent flight experience. |
Operations in the North Polar Area. |
Composition of flight crew. |
Flight crewmember duties. |
Second in command required under IFR. |
Exception to second in command requirement: Approval for use of autopilot system. |
Flight attendant crewmember requirement. |
Pilot in command or second in command: Designation required. |
Second in command required in Category II operations. |
Passenger occupancy of pilot seat. |
Manipulation of controls. |
Briefing of passengers before flight. |
Prohibition against carriage of weapons. |
Prohibition on interference with crewmembers. |
Stowage of food, beverage, and passenger service equipment during aircraft movement on the surface, takeoff, and landing. |
Emergency and emergency evacuation duties. |
Passenger information requirements and smoking prohibitions. |
Use of safety belts and child restraint systems. |
Subpart C - Aircraft and Equipment
Portable electronic devices. |
Aircraft proving and validation tests. |
Equipment requirements: General. |
Public address and crewmember interphone systems. |
Ground proximity warning system. |
Terrain awareness and warning system. |
Fire extinguishers: Passenger-carrying aircraft. |
Oxygen equipment requirements. |
Pitot heat indication systems. |
Equipment requirements: Carrying passengers under VFR at night or under VFR over-the-top conditions. |
Communication and navigation equipment for aircraft operations under VFR over routes navigated by pilotage. |
Equipment requirements: Aircraft carrying passengers under IFR. |
Communication and navigation equipment: Extended over-water or IFR operations. |
Emergency equipment: Extended overwater operations. |
Additional airworthiness requirements. |
Materials for compartment interiors. |
Shoulder harness installation at flight crewmember stations. |
Airborne thunderstorm detection equipment requirements. |
Airborne weather radar equipment requirements. |
Emergency equipment requirements for aircraft having a passenger seating configuration of more than 19 passengers. |
Additional emergency equipment. |
Inoperable instruments and equipment. |
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System. |
Performance requirements: Aircraft operated over-the-top or in IFR conditions. |
Performance requirements: Land aircraft operated over water. |
Empty weight and center of gravity: Currency requirement. |
Subpart D - VFR/IFR Operating Limitations and Weather Requirements
VFR: Visibility requirements. |
VFR: Helicopter surface reference requirements. |
VFR: Over-the-top carrying passengers: Operating limitations. |
Weather reports and forecasts. |
IFR: Operating limitations. |
IFR: Takeoff limitations. |
IFR: Destination airport weather minimums. |
IFR: Alternate airport weather minimums. |
IFR: Alternate airport requirements. |
IFR: Takeoff, approach and landing minimums. |
Icing conditions: Operating limitations. |
Subpart E - Flight Crewmember Requirements
Pilot in command qualifications. |
Second in command qualifications. |
Pilot qualifications: Recent experience. |
Subpart F - Crewmember Flight Time and Duty Period Limitations and Rest Requirements
Flight time limitations and rest requirements: All certificate holders. |
Flight time limitations and rest requirements: Scheduled operations. |
Flight time limitations and rest requirements: Unscheduled one- and two-pilot crews. |
Flight time limitations and rest requirements: Unscheduled three- and four-pilot crews. |
Helicopter hospital emergency medical evacuation service (HEMES). |
Duty period limitations and rest time requirements. |
Subpart G - Crewmember Testing Requirements
Initial and recurrent pilot testing requirements. |
Initial and recurrent flight attendant crewmember testing requirements. |
Pilot in command: Instrument proficiency check requirements. |
Pilot in command: Line checks: Routes and airports. |
Crewmember: Tests and checks, grace provisions, training to accepted standards. |
Subpart H - Training
Applicability and terms used. |
Training program: General. |
Training program: Special rules. |
Training program and revision: Initial and final approval. |
Training program: Curriculum. |
Crewmember training requirements. |
Crewmember emergency training. |
Approval of aircraft simulators and other training devices. |
Qualifications: Check airmen (aircraft) and check airmen (simulator). |
Qualifications: Flight instructors (aircraft) and flight instructors (simulator). |
Initial and transition training and checking: Check airmen (aircraft), check airmen (simulator). |
Initial and transition training and checking: Flight instructors (aircraft), flight instructors (simulator). |
Pilot and flight attendant crewmember training programs. |
Crewmember initial and recurrent training requirements. |
Pilots: Initial, transition, and upgrade ground training. |
Pilots: Initial, transition, upgrade, and differences flight training. |
Flight attendants: Initial and transition ground training. |
Subpart I - Airplane Performance Operating Limitations
Maximum flying time outside the United States. |
Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Weight limitations. |
Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Takeoff limitations. |
Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: All engines operating. |
Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative. |
Part 25 transport category airplanes with four or more engines: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative. |
Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Landing limitations: Destination airports. |
Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Landing limitations: Alternate airports. |
Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Takeoff limitations. |
Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative. |
Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative. |
Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Landing limitations: Destination airports. |
Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Landing limitations: Alternate airports. |
Large nontransport category airplanes: Takeoff limitations. |
Large nontransport category airplanes: En route limitations: One engine inoperative. |
Large nontransport category airplanes: Landing limitations: Destination airports. |
Large nontransport category airplanes: Landing limitations: Alternate airports. |
Small transport category airplane performance operating limitations. |
Commuter category airplanes performance operating limitations. |
Small nontransport category airplane performance operating limitations. |
Subpart J - Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance, and Alterations
Responsibility for airworthiness. |
Service difficulty reports. |
Mechanical interruption summary report. |
Approved aircraft inspection program. |
Additional maintenance requirements. |
Aging airplane inspections and records reviews for multiengine airplanes certificated with nine or fewer passenger seats. |
Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration organization. |
Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration programs. |
Required inspection personnel. |
Continuing analysis and surveillance. |
Maintenance and preventive maintenance training program. |
Certificate requirements. |
Authority to perform and approve maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations. |
Maintenance recording requirements. |
Transfer of maintenance records. |
Airworthiness release or aircraft maintenance log entry. |
Subpart K - Hazardous Materials Training Program
Applicability and definitions. |
Hazardous materials training: General. |
Hazardous materials training required. |
Hazardous materials training records. |
Appendix A to Part 135 --Additional Airworthiness Standards for 10 or More Passenger Airplanes |
Appendix B to Part 135 --Airplane Flight Recorder Specifications |
Appendix C to Part 135 --Helicopter Flight Recorder Specifications |
Appendix D to Part 135 --Airplane Flight Recorder Specification |
Appendix E to Part 135 --Helicopter Flight Recorder Specifications |
Appendix F to Part 135 --Airplane Flight Recorder Specification |
Appendix G to Part 135 --Extended Operations (ETOPS) |